Nervous system in earthworm
Do earthworms have nervous system ? Earthworm has a well-developed nervous system. The nervous system is metamerically segmented. The nervous system is divisible into central, peripheral and autonomic nervous system (sympathetic nervous system). The nervous of earthworm is well developed. It consists of three parts 1)Central nervous system 2)peripheral nervous system 3)sympathetic nervous system or automatic N S 1 central nervous system it consists of cerebral ganglia circumpharyngeal connecting software engineer ganglia and ventral nerve cord. A of closely white pear shaped cerebral or subphapharyngeal ganglia forming the brain lies dorsally in the third segment in the the depression between the buccal cavity and the pharynx. A of thick stout parapharyngeal connective passes from them literally embracing the parents and meeting mental in a of fused software engineer ganglia line Beneath The pharynx in fourth segment in this world complete nerve collar on nerve ring formed